The Pets game is a unique feature that allows you to 'own', 'buy' and 'sell' other members like a fantasy team. You can compete with all your Friends to see who can gain the highest value or just buy and sell Pets as you meet cool new people in the game! To get started, let's go over a few basic concepts of the game:
- Earning Value- Increasing your value in the Pets game is easy- If you are 'bought' by another user, your value will increase by 10%.
- Gaining Cash- You gain cash in five ways:
a) by logging in to Tagged every four hours, you'll get a cash bonus based on how many pets you own at the time
b) your first five purchases of the day earn you a random cash bonus
c) anytime you or one of your Pets is purchased by another user, you'll get half the profit (the difference between the new and old values of the purchased Pet)
d) being the first owner (all-time, when the Pet's value is still $500)
e) converting your Tagged Gold to Pets Cash via the green Pets Cash Bar on your Pets - Home page.
f) by being gifted cash from another user
- Assets- Your Pets Assets are calculated by adding your Pets cash + the combined purchase prices (their value when you bought them) of all the Pets you currently own (e.g. If you have $10,000 Pets cash and purchased 3 pets that were valued at $1,000, $2,000, and $5,000 respectively: your Assets = $18,000).
- Wishers- All of the people who have added you to their wish list. You can view them by clicking the Wishers link on your Pets - Home page.
- Pets- Any Pet that you've purchased will appear in the “Pets” tab on your Pets Home page. You may own a maximum of 400 Pets. Make sure to take good care of them!
- Wish List- When you see a Pet that you'd like to own, you can add them to your Wish List so you can easily keep track of them and buy them when you have the cash!
- Achievements- Click the 'View all' link to see a list of all the achievements you've earned while playing Pets!
- Announcements- Various messages about updates to Pets and special offers will appear here periodically. They can be closed by clicking the 'x' in the top right corner of the announcement.
- Rankings- Keep an eye on this tab to see how you stack up against your fellow Pets players! Ranking will also qualify you for Weekly and Monthly Standings Achievements!
- Standings- Earn points for each day you rank. These points are added up at the end of the week/month, awarding badges for top earning players.
- Browse Pets- If you're in the market for a new Pet, go here to find one you like! You can use the filters on the left to find Pets all around the world and sort them by Gender, Age, Location or Value... whatever kind of Pet you desire! You can buy new Pets from the Browse page, or by clicking the user to see their individual Pets page!
Now that you know the rules, get out there and work your way to the top and remember to have fun, because it's just a game! :)