If you find a user is abusing the Terms of Service, you can report them. To report the user from their profile, follow these steps:
Go to the offending user’s profile page or mini profile view
Click the "Report Profile" link (the one with the yellow triangle image) in the upper left corner next to their profile photo
Select a Reason from the list, then (if required) select an Abuse Location
(If Required) Enter additional info to describe why you are reporting this user. Please be as specific as possible (e.g. "This user sent me a message with a link to www.FAKEtaggedLOTTO.com and told me to contact them at REAL_LOTTO@email.com to claim my winnings of $10,000")
When you've completed the entire form, click the 'Submit' button.
You can also block this user from contacting you. Just use the 'Block User' link in the confirmation message, or the link to the left of their profile photo.