Users send comments all the time. Sometimes these comments do not follow the guidelines set by the Terms of Service. If you come across a comment that is inappropriate or offensive we encourage you to report it. To report a comment, follow these steps:
Go to the comment
Click the “Report” link above the comment (to the right of the commentator's profile photo)
Select a Reason from the list
(If Required) Enter additional info to describe why you are reporting this user. Please be as specific as possible (e.g. "This user sent me a comment with a link to and told me to contact them at to claim my winnings of $10,000")
When you've completed the entire form, click the 'Submit' button
If you also wish to block this user, you can do so by clicking the 'Block [username]' link in the green confirmation message box. You can also use the 'Block User' link in the actions menu to the left of their profile photo.